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Jan van Eyck: The Man and the Myth

21 April 2020 1 min. reading time The Low Countries Radio

Jan van Eyck, one of the Low Countries’ most famous artists, lived through an extraordinary period in history, between the 1390s and the 1440s.

Although much about the early Netherlandish painter’s life is completely unknown, the details that do remain provide tantalising glimpses into an artistic and technical talent, who was both socially and politically capable enough to be able to ingratiate himself within the highest ranks of power in his time.

In this podcast, we will explore the life and works of the Flemish Master and the mystery surrounding the theft of part of his most famous work, the Ghent Altarpiece.

Listen to this podcast on Spotify


Republic of Amsterdam Radio

Republic of Amsterdam Radio is a group of history nerds with a passion for telling stories, based in Amsterdam.


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