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Get ‘m: five Dutch music, theatre and dance companies conquer Washington

4 April 2019 2 min. reading time

As a result of the efforts of the collaborative project Never Grow Up!, five Dutch groups find their way to Washington, USA, for a season-long focus.

Throughout 2019 Never Grow Up! presents an abundance of Dutch film, literature and performing arts for young audiences in the United States. A wide range of work from the Netherlands will be presented and shared at festivals, conferences and other platforms, all representing a respect for young people and dedication to youth culture as an autonomous art form.

Never Grow Up! is a joint effort of Dutch Performing Arts, the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in New York, Eye International, Netherlands Film Fund, Cinekid, Dutch Foundation for Literature and DutchCulture.

Season-long Dutch focus

As a part of this program, and resulting from it, Dutch Performing Arts and the Kennedy Center collaborate on a season-long Dutch focus. Dutch Youth Arts are increasingly popular in the US, as Dutch Performing Arts program manager Anja Krans explains. The Dutch focus, that kicks off in October and November 2019 and will continue in January and April 2020, will bring award-winning and accomplished work from the Netherlands to families and student audiences in Washington. Presenting their unique and high-caliber work for young audiences are: Woest, BonteHond, Maas theater en dans, Oorkaan and De Dansers.


The brand-new partnership between Kennedy Center in Washington and Dutch Performing Arts results in the presentation of five exciting music, theatre and dance productions from the Netherlands, in a total of 56 shows:

Woest – ‘Balancing Bodies’
dance | 9+ / 31 October – 2 November 2019 | Terrace Gallery

BonteHond – ‘GET ‘M’
theatre | 3+ / 2-3 November 2019 | the REACH

Maas Theater & dance – ‘EGG-tion HERO’
theatre | 3+ / 9-10 November 2019 | the REACH

Oorkaan – ‘Glimpse’
music | 2+ / 11-12 January 2020 | Terrace Gallery

De Dansers – ‘Pokon’
dance | 4+ / 24-26 April 2020 | Family Theater

For more information, visit the Kennedy Center website and look for Events for Young Audiences in their theatre section.

More Dutch Youth Arts

DutchCulture continues to research upon global trends in cultural exchange. The unique quality of Dutch youth arts has been subject of a Conference on International Culture for Kids, as well as research to the history of Dutch sense of playfullness.



DutchCulture is the Dutch network and knowledge organisation for international cultural cooperation.


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