High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


Blood or Flowers: Boxing in the Visual Arts

There’s a never-ending list of filmmakers, writers and visual artists who have been, and indeed continue to be fascinated by boxing. In the Low Countries as well.


Moving Socially with Choreographer Mette Ingvartsen

For twenty years, choreographer Mette Ingvartsen has been creating socially and politically engaged performances. The key question she raises in her socially and politically engaged performances is whether we can create a world that revolve...


A Black Lion of Flanders

Roland Gunst – half Flemish, half Congolese – uses installations, performances, film and video to explore the search for his own identity.


A Versatile Renaissance Artist from Brussels

In Brussels you can visit a beautiful retrospective of the versatile, successful and innovative Renaissance artist Bernard van Orley (c. 1488-1541) until 26 May. He worked for clients such as Charles V and Margaret of Austria.

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