The Top 7 Art Stories of the Year
Join us in bidding goodbye to 2022 with seven of the finest art stories we published this year that are worth re-reading or listening to again.
The American War Years of Art Nouveau Architect Victor Horta

© The Horta Museum Archives
When Victor Horta was forced to flee during WWI, his exile became an opportunity to raise funds for poor little Belgium. The famous Belgian architect, known for his art nouveau houses, travelled to the United States. America influenced his ideas about architecture, urban planning, and society.
Mondrian 150

© rr
This year marks the 150th anniversary of Piet Mondria(a)n’s birth in Amersfoort. In a special series we collected all our articles about this Dutch pioneer of 20th-century abstract art.
How Newcomers from the South Changed Art in Haarlem

© The Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium
Would art have flourished in Haarlem between 1580-1630 without refugees from Flanders and Brabant? Frans Hals, Karel van Mander and Lieven de Key turned the city into a breeding ground that attracted artists and entrepreneurs. This visual story still can be seen in an exhibition at the Frans Hals Museum.
Torn Between Conflicting Interests

© Alex Bleu
Today, museums are being confronted with several challenging societal, historical and ethical questions. They find themselves caught in an area of tension between diverse and often conflicting interests. Many museums keep stubbornly looking for a brand-new role. Is there a way out?
The Professionalisation of Flemish Cinema is Paying Off

© Gareth Cattermole / GettyImages
It took protests and demands by directors and producers to get a proper Flemish film fund up and running. And while the region was late to the party, the progress it has made in the sector in twenty years is nothing short of remarkable.
The History of Dutch and Belgian Comics

© rr
In this podcast, we are flipping through the pages of comic history in the Low Countries; from the use of illustrated prints from as early as the 15th century to the position of comic studios in Belgium and the Netherlands during the Second World War.
Grand Reopening of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp

© KMSKA / photo by Karin Borghouts
After eleven years of renovations, the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp has opened its doors again. It wants to attract visitors from all over the world with a new wing for modern art, two hundred restored works and an interactive visitor experience.
Remember these series?

© Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Museum Explorer
Never a dull moment in Flanders and The Netherlands. Art, history, language or literature, you name it, there is a museum for everyone’s taste in the Low Countries. Let Museum Explorer be your guide.