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Phaedra Derhore – Good Boy

By Phaedra Derhore, translated by Laura Vroomen
4 November 2021 1 min. reading time Young Writers on Invisible Labour

Eighteen young authors have brought nineteenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum to life. They have taken inspiration from the question: what do you see when you look at these objects with an eye for invisible labour? Phaedrea Derhore drew a short comic in response to the painting Still Life with Game and a Greek Stele: Allegory of Autumn by Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os from 1818.

Good boy

Phaedra Derhore SDW 0922 8x8cm

Phaedra Derhore

Phaedra Derhore (b.1990) is een freelance cartoonist and illustrator. She studied at Luca School of Arts in Brussels where she obtained a Master’s in Graphic Storytelling. Her autobiographical graphic novel Doorsnee was published by Oogachtend in 2018. Phaedra teaches graphic novel writing workshops, organises Drink & Draws and can often be found drawing in coffee shops in Leuven. Her stories are candid and personal, draw on a distinctive visual language and have either few or many words. By seeking to express herself in an authentic way through her cartoons she hopes to establish a meaningful connection with the reader.

photo by Sanne De Wilde


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