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David Weel: That Afternoon in the Forest

By David Weel, translated by Laura Vroomen
2 October 2023 1 min. reading time Eureka?

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see? David Weel invites us to look at Dying Adonis by the painter Hendrick Goltzius. Can you feel it? How the light is starting to shine?’

That Afternoon in the Forest

Portret David Weel c Marianne Hommersom

David Weel

David Weel (b. 1998) is a writer, photographer and podcast maker. He used to work as a creative strategist and now studies Media, Writing and Performance Art at the Royal Conservatoire in Antwerp. David has taken part in the Das Mag summer camp and has written stories for the likes of VICE, KRO-NCRV and Vuurland. In his work, he explores the more absurd qualities of humankind and plays with invented truths.

photo by © Marianne Hommersom


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