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Sara Mertens: Material Fatigue

By Sara Mertens, translated by Laura Vroomen
8 November 2023 1 min. reading time Eureka?

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see? Sara Mertens created a graphic story in response to an ivory statue of what is thought to be Diana, made by Jean Goujon. ‘[I] see a statue, of a woman, crackled, as if she’s trying to escape.’

Material Fatigue

Portret Sara Mertens c Marianne Hommersom

Sara Mertens

Sara Mertens (b. 1994) is an illustrator and cartoonist, a graduate of KASK (the Royal Academy of Fine Arts) in Ghent. Her work has appeared in Rekto:verso, Zink, DW B and Etcetera. Sara explores the beauty and fragility of human relationships and in her illustrations she blurs the boundaries between dream and reality.
photo by © Marianne Hommersom


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