High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


An All-Encompassing Edifice of Life

A true writer’s oeuvre is an all-encompassing edifice, not a single theme, but life itself. That's also the case for the books of Connie Palmen.


What Tree Rings and Core Samples Tell Us About Our World

Those who know where to look can read the history of the planet and the human race in trees and landscapes. Two researchers from the Low Countries, Salomon Kroonenberg and Valerie Trouet, tell the story of the earth, our past and perhaps al...


A Literary Triumph: 'The Ascent' by Stefan Hertmans

In his novel about a Flemish Nazi collaborator, bestselling author Stefan Hertmans presents a sharp image of life under German occupation, which he links perceptively to the personal history of his characters.


How Much Colour Can The Flemish Art World Tolerate?

Superdiversity and interculturality have become inevitable facts. An articulate generation with diverse backgrounds is demanding its place. How is the debate conducted in the Flemish cultural sector, and in particular in the performing arts...


The Library Is Back

The library is experiencing a revival. How exactly do these ‘living rooms of towns and villages’ look? And are there differences between the Netherlands and Flanders?


TikTok Won’t Solve the Reading Crisis

Literary education expert Jeroen Dera argues that learning to read well is achieved with texts that appeal to the imagination and linguistic ability.


The Rediscovery of the Bicycle

Mobility policy in France, Belgium and the Netherlands is making way for the bicycle, with Groningen as a founding example.


The Noble Beauty of the Terraced House

No house is more Dutch than the terraced house. Yet this type of architecture has only recently come to be valued as it should. Time to redress the balance.


Must-Sees in the Year of Jan Van Eyck

In 2020 Flanders is set to pay tribute to Jan van Eyck. The most impressive tribute to this Flemish Master will be presented in Ghent, where the Museum of Fine Arts is organising its biggest ever Jan van Eyck exhibition.


Eileen Stevens’ Choice: Gerard Reve and Machteld Siegmann

Every month, a translator of Dutch into English gives literary tips by answering two questions: which translated book by a Flemish or Dutch author should everyone read? And, which book absolutely deserves an English translation?


The Translator’s Pick

When a book achieves international success, it's often forgotten that this is not only the merit of the author, but also of the translator. The low countries wants to give these language virtuosos the recognition they deserve. Every month, ...

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