High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


A Literary Triumph: 'The Ascent' by Stefan Hertmans

In his novel about a Flemish Nazi collaborator, bestselling author Stefan Hertmans presents a sharp image of life under German occupation, which he links perceptively to the personal history of his characters.


Fashion Photographer Willy Vanderperre Clicks to the Core

He has shot campaigns for fashion houses like Dior and Prada, and celebrities such as Tilda Swinton and Cate Blanchett have stood before his lens. Meet Willy Vanderperre, the first photographer to exhibit at the MoMu Fashion Museum in his h...


Hugo Grotius, Patriarch of International Law

He is best known as "the man who escaped from prison in a chest of books". But thanks to a new biography, we know that the seventeenth-century scholar was much more than that.


Multilingualism Has Always Been Our Strength

'Translation in the Low Countries' is a monumental book that not only sheds light on the flourishing translation of culture in our region, but also offers a fascinating cultural history.


Voyage Around the World on Sandals

On the eve of the First World War, three Dutch friends believed they could make the world a better place by walking around the globe and propagating socialism in Esperanto.


What Tree Rings and Core Samples Tell Us About Our World

Those who know where to look can read the history of the planet and the human race in trees and landscapes. Two researchers from the Low Countries, Salomon Kroonenberg and Valerie Trouet, tell the story of the earth, our past and perhaps al...


When Japan’s Elite Spoke Dutch

Between 1600 and 1900, Dutch was the dominant European language in Japan. A new book examines how this affected the local culture and society.

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